The AccuSculpt laser facelift is a facial rejuvenation procedure designed to restore youthful contours to the lower face and neck. Instead of relying on scalpels and stiches, it uses laser-assisted liposuction to subtly sculpt the face with highly targeted fat removal and skin tightening. Because this treatment takes about half an hour, it is sometimes called the 30-minute facelift. Although it is marketed as a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift, it does involve inserting instruments under the skin and removing tissue. For that reason, it is more accurate to call it minimally invasive cosmetic surgery.

Who Is a Candidate for the AccuSculpt Laser Facelift?

This procedure is designed for patients 40 to 55 years of age with excess fat along the jawline and under the chin. It works best for individuals who have puffiness but little or no loose skin. Patients should have realistic expectations regarding the potential outcome of their treatment. This technique does not remove any skin or lift and reposition the underlying muscles and ligaments. This means the level of improvement available is modest. Additional treatments such as facial fillers and skin resurfacing may be combined with the 30-minute facelift to deliver better results. Because this facial liposuction procedure is fairly new, it is not possible to predict how long results will last.

Benefits of AccuSculpt Laser Facelift

  • Treatment is quick and downtime is very short.
  • Post-procedure discomfort is much less than with a regular facelift.
  • Scars are very small and usually not noticeable.
  • Risks are lower than for more invasive treatments.

What Are the Risks of AccuSculpt Laser FaceLift?

The medical risks of this procedure are minimal because general anesthesia is not required and the amount of tissue removed is small. However, patients do need to reveal all medications and health conditions – especially allergies to any of the ingredients used in the liquid infused into the tissues during liposuction. Patients who do not stop smoking as directed may experience delayed or complicated healing. The most common risk of this surgery is likely to be failure to see the desired level of improvement. Other aesthetic risks include uneven or asymmetrical results. Scarring, burns, infection and other serious complications are rare but possible with any form of liposuction.

How Does the AccuSculpt Laser Facelift Work?

A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin in the treatment area. A small cannula (a metal tube) is inserted into the fatty tissue just under the skin. A saline liquid that contains an anesthetic and a medication that helps reduce bleeding is infused into the treatment area. A laser tip is used to melt fatty tissue and a syringe is attached to the cannula to suck out the liquefied fat. Typically, no stitches are needed to close the tiny incisions. The removal of excess fat allows the skin to return to a more lifted position. As a side effect of the laser’s heat, the skin may also tighten up a little due to collagen remodeling.

Patients can usually return to non-strenuous activities without delay. Normal side effects include redness and discomfort in the treated area. These side effects are generally temporary. Swelling and bruising are also typical and may take up to several weeks to resolve. Numbness may last much longer. Following post-procedure instructions to keep the head elevated and using supportive elastic bandages is important for minimizing side effects, speeding healing and ensuring maximum results. The skin may begin to look better after a few days depending on the amount of swelling present. Full results are usually apparent after several weeks.