More people than ever before are turning to plastic surgery to correct flawed features and improve their appearance. And while not every person who opts to undergo procedures like chin augmentation does so for the same reasons, many share similar issues and experiences. Below are the top reasons to get a chin augmentation:

Correcting a Receding or Weak Chin

One of the top reasons for getting a chin augmentation is to improve facial balance in an individual who has a weak or receding chin. According to New York City plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD, technology may be behind the recent surge in chin augmentation procedures. He believes being exposed to our image on video chat and other high tech applications makes us more aware of imperfections and motivates us to make improvements.

Improving Profile View

Ideally, the nose and the chin should be balanced with a similar vertical line. A weak chin can draw attention to a prominent nose making it appear even larger. In these cases, rhinoplasty (surgical reshaping of the nose) is sometimes done in conjunction with a chin implant to improve a patient’s profile and better balance facial features.

Strengthen Jaw Line in an Aging Face

“A chin implant can add extra strength and improve jowling that occurs with age,” explains Dr. Antell, a spokesperson for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Both men and women can benefit from chin contouring to counteract the effects aging has on the jaw line. Some patients combine the procedure with a facelift, micro liposuction or other cosmetic surgeries.

Facial Reconstruction

Chin augmentation is not always performed for cosmetic reasons. Patients who have experienced serious trauma to their face may also be candidates for chin augmentation. Chin implants can be an important component in facial reconstruction surgery.

Career Advancement

If you think it’s crazy to consider plastic surgery to improve your career – think again. “I did a study using Google images of 50 CEOs from the largest Fortune 500 companies and found they all had stronger chins – even the women,” says Antell. In 2007, he presented the study at the World Congress on Liposuction Surgery and Advances in Cosmetic Surgery in Dubai.

The study indicates investing in chin augmentation could actually be money well spent. What’s more, Antell points out, this is one investment with an immediate return. “You actually look better instantly,” he says.

In addition to CEOs, Antell says movie stars and presidential candidates also tend to sport strong chins.

The Discrete Difference

“Chin augmentation produces very subtle results,” says Antell. Unlike some procedures, it isn’t usually obvious patients have had surgery. “Patients say they’re often asked if they’ve lost weight or have been working out.”

The procedure can be done in 30 minutes to one hour, and according to Antell, most patients can return to work within three days.