Do I Need a Breast Lift?

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Over the years, factors such as pregnancy, nursing, massive weight loss and weight gain, the force of gravity, and aging take their toll on a woman’s breasts. As the skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, the breasts often lose their shape and firmness and begin to sag. Many women desire to obtain a fuller and perkier look, to improve their look.

During a consultation with Dr. Pousti, he provides the patient with his most honest opinion depending on the severity and complexity of their case. In order to achieve the look the patient desires, Dr. Pousti discusses the best and safest possible options, including the risks and complications involved in the planned procedure. Since every woman’s case is unique, her options for the procedures may vary. Most women benefit from a breast augmentation alone depending on the original breast shape and size and the location of the nipple-areola complex.

This 30-year old patient is 4 months post-op surgery of breast augmentation. In this patient’s case. She is a perfect candidate for a straight-forward breast augmentation.

This 20-year old patient is 1 year post-op breast augmentation surgery.

There are a number of patient’s who are borderline between a breast augmentation and a lift. If a large enough implant is used to fulfill a lift, then the patient must have realistic expectations and understand the benefits of a lift versus breast augmentation alone. Dr. Pousti is selective with his patient’s who can benefit from just the augmentation. This is determined by what the patient would like to achieve and depending on the placement of the nipple-areola.

This 33-year old patient was borderline between a breast augmentation and a lift. She is 7 months post-op breast augmentation.

However, some women may require a breast lift (mastopexy), which improves the placement of the nipple-areola complex. Some prefer not to have a lift because it involves more incisions. Breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. Unfortunately, mastopexy surgery does not guarantee permanent results and the need for revisionary surgery may be necessary.

In the operating room, Dr. Pousti performs markings prior to the procedure to ensure symmetry. The planned procedure is discussed in detail with the patient.

This photo shows the right breast lifted. Temporary sizers are used to determine the appropriate size implant for the patient.

Notice the reduction in the areola size and improved results immediately after surgery.

Depending on the severity and complexity of each individual case, there are three different types of incisions available: the “Benelli” or limited lift, the “lollipop” lift, and the “anchor” lift. All three lifts involve incisions around the areola. Dr. Pousti uses this to his advantage, and enables him to reduce the size of the areola. Many women choose to have this done as well to improve the look of the breasts.

The Benelli lift or “limited” lift involves a “donut” incision around the areola. Patients who have less severe ptosis, or “sagging” may benefit from this type of lift. The Benelli lift is far less invasive than a full mastopexy (breast lift), however, it does not provide a long-lasting result.

This 39-year-old patient from Hemet, California is 4-months post-op breast augmentation, limited mastopexy (“Benelli” breast lift) surgery.

A “lollipop” lift involves an incision around the areola and a vertical scar. This type of incision allows the Dr. to tighten and remove more excess skin and tissue to achieve a perkier and fuller look. Notice the significant lift of the nipple-areola complex in the before and after picture of the patient below.

This 41-year old patient from Jamul, California is 3-weeks post-op breast augmentation/mastopexy (breast lift) surgery involving a “lollipop” incision.

Although, mastopexy involves additional incisions, it does provide a longer-lasting result. Incisions will heal overtime and fade with the tincture of time. Patient’s are instructed to avoid any heavy-lifting and strenuous exercise for the first 2 months post-op.

The last lift, involves an “anchor” incision, which involves an incision around the areola, a vertical line down the center of the breasts, and a horizontal scar underneath the inframammary fold. Most patients who require this type of incision have experienced massive weight loss or have a large amount of excess skin removed and tightened.

This 40-year-old patient from El Cajon California patient is 2-month post-op breast augmentation/ mastopexy (breast lift) with an “anchor” incision.

Based on the before and after photos of these patient’s, you can see the results between the different lifts available to achieve a new and improved look. Recovery time may vary depending on the type of lift performed and how the patient heals. Dissolvable sutures are used and steri-strips may be applied to aid in the healing process. The patient is unable to shower for about 2-3 weeks to avoid any complications. A surgical bra is worn for about 4 weeks to support the breasts. Dr. Pousti has experience in performing these procedures for a broad spectrum of patient’s.