Plastic Surgery for Mom's - Mommy Make Over

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Having children and being a mom is a blessing. Being a mother can be a tough job and it can be tough on your body. Unfortunately with childbearing and breast-feeding comes unwanted changes on your body like stretch marks, loose skin, saggy breasts, and weight gain. It is essential for a mother to take good care of her family as well as herself.
Self-confidence is key when it comes to being a mom.

Each mommy makeover is unique and costumed to benefit each individual woman’s needs. Mommy makeovers are designed to counteract the physical effects of childbearing and nursing or breastfeeding. Every makeover is different and may require multiple procedures to achieve the best results possible.

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will examine you and discuss the options available for you to begin your transformation. A mommy makeover may include procedures such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation, breast lift (mastopexy), breast reduction, or liposuction.

Exercise and a healthy diet are beneficial during and after pregnancy. Your plastic surgeon will recommend that you be at your goal weight or that you lose as much weight as you can before having the procedures done to get the best results possible. This is to ensure a long-lasting result and avoid any further surgery. Fortunately, as a result of a mommy makeover, many women find themselves motivated to maintain their new and improved look. They feel sexier, happier, and ultimately more confident.

Makeovers require a good amount of recovery. We recommend 4 weeks of taking it easy and following pre-op and post-op care instructions. As long as you follow the doctors orders, expect amazing and complication-free results. Healing time can vary from patient to patient. Look at it as 4 weeks of sacrifice and the rest of your life for you to enjoy the new you!