Your Skin and Vitamin C

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Ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation is the major culprit in photoaging. UVA is present throughout the year. It can pass through the windows of your home, office and car, and it damages your skin by penetrating into its deeper layers. Unfortunately, UVA protection is not available in all sunscreens, and even those that contain screening agents for UVA do not offer total protection. Vitamin C to the rescue! According to an article published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, studies have suggested that vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant for UVA and ultraviolet B (UVB), making it a useful addition to your daily sunscreen.

Humans cannot synthesize vitamin C. They must ingest it, and body mechanisms limit the amount that can be absorbed and delivered to the tissues. The skin only receives about 8 percent of any vitamin C that is taken orally.

Current topical products for the skin containing specially formulated vitamin C now can provide additional protection for your skin. And, unlike most sunscreens, once vitamin C gets into the skin, it cannot be rubbed or washed away. Topical vitamin C can even be used to treat sunburn. Researchers have suggested that vitamin C can increase collagen synthesis, a reaction that is important in wound healing. It also appears to be useful in reducing fine wrinkling.

A number of skin products containing vitamin C are available commercially, or Dr. Mills can discuss with you the products available through our office that might benefit your skin.