Undoing Sun Damage

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Shielding your skin from the summer sun makes good sense, and there are many excellent products that help make it easier than ever. A good sun block with UVA and UVB protection, plus a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, should be summer essentials.

But let’s face it – most of us already have sun-damage. In fact, much of the visible damage you see in your skin today may be the result of sun exposure when you were a child or teenager. So what can be done to improve your skin now – and then keep it looking fresher and healthier?

To erase pigmentation, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve tone and texture and stimulate collagen, we recommend the Active FX laser. Active FX is a fractionated CO2 laser that can be done right in our office with minimal down time. Many of our patients have stated, “It took years off of their skin.” So if this is something you are interested in give our office a call and book a consultation with one of our Physician Assistants or Nurses.

Chemical peels of varying strengths are a common method for resurfacing (deeper peels) or revitalizing (lighter peels) your skin. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) has a slight bleaching effect and often is recommended for patients with darker complexions. TCA can be applied to your neck, upper chest and other areas of skin damaged by sun exposure.

If you are looking for a milder treatment that provides improvement in fine lines and skin texture, you may choose a series of glycolic or salicylic acid peels. Glycolic acid, derived from natural sources such as fruit and milk, is used in varying concentrations as a medical-strength peeling solution. Even a single glycolic acid peel performed in your plastic surgeon’s office may produce the freshening effect you are looking for. Another option of a superficial peel is a salicylic acid peel. This treatment will help smooth fine lines and even skin discoloration while reducing the appearance of acne and environmental damage to the skin.

Ask Megan or Jacqui about other skin revitalizing treatments available in the office or by prescription for your use at home.