Breast Augmentation - Saline or Silicone?

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Dr. Dawkins reports that he’s “delighted to have gel implants available for all patients 22 years of age or older” . Dr. Dawkins has more than 33 years experience with gel implants. He was part of the Mentor Gel Implant Study from 1992 – 2006. Dr. Dawkins reports that he has never stopped using gel implants. According to Dr. Dawkins, “gel implants provide a good result in all patients. They are superior to saline filled implants in selected patients”.

All scientific studies have shown both gel and saline filled silicone implants to be both safe and effective. “Patients again have a choice” according to Dr. Dawkins. An in depth consultation covers the advantages and disadvantages of both saline and gel filled implants. The patient can now choose between saline and gel filled implants.