Breast Surgery FAQs

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Questions About Breast Enlargement Surgery

What are the breast enlargement surgery risks?
As a surgical procedure, breast enlargement involves risks, including the possibility of bleeding, infection, adverse reactions to the anesthesia, and even blood clots.

Also, other risks with breast enlargement surgery can include problems with the implants. Doctors Reid and Gordon will discuss all of the risks and possible complications of breast enlargement surgery with you during your initial consultation.

Am I a good breast enlargement surgery candidate?
Any woman who is unhappy about the size or shape of her breasts could be a good candidate for breast enlargement surgery. If you are uncomfortable or self-conscious about the way you look, your breast shape, or breast size, you are probably a candidate for breast enlargement.

Many women also choose to have breast enlargement surgery when their breasts begin to sag or lose shape and firmness as a result of age, gravity, genetics, or pregnancy.  Breast enlargement surgery can improve the size of your breasts so that you are confident about the way you look.

What breast implant type is best?
The breast implants used in your breast enlargement surgery can be selected to be round or anatomical, smooth or textured, and saline or silicone-filled.  During your initial consultation, you can discuss with Drs. Reid and Gordon what implant is best for your breast enlargement procedure, and which will provide you with the results you want.

Drs. Reid and Gordon use both saline and silicone gel implants at our practice. Both types of breast implants have proven to give safe and excellent breast augmentation results. You can discuss having silicone or saline breast implants during your initial breast augmentation consultation, and you will be provided with literature that discusses the benefits of each.  

Is breast-feeding possible after breast enlargement surgery?
The ability to breast-feed is usually not impaired after breast enlargement surgery.  It is a good idea to discuss this with Drs. Reid and Gordon during your initial consultation.

Will I still be able to have mammograms?
Yes.  You should continue having mammograms after your breast enlargement surgery.  Be sure to inform your mammography technician that you have had breast enlargement surgery so that they can alter the mammogram so your results are reliable.

How long will I need to take off work?
After breast enlargement surgery you will be sore for a few days, however, many patients are able to return to work after just a few days of rest, and more strenuous activities can be resumed after about a month.


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