Liposuction: The #1 Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

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OF FAT deposits from specific areas of
the body. This is the most popular and
fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedure
in America.

Statistics from the American Society
for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that
in the year 2004 approximately 480,000
liposuction procedures were performed
in the country, making it the most frequently
performed procedure for women
as well as men.

Liposuction can help sculpt the body
by removing unwanted fat from specific
areas such as the chin and neck, upper
arms, abdomen, buttock, hip and thigh
area, knee and calf area, in addition to
upper and lower back areas.

The popularity of liposuction is due to
the effectiveness of the technique and the
fact that it leaves only tiny scars, often less than one-fifth of an inch in length.

To get the most from this procedure,
you should be of average weight or
slightly over with extra fat localized in
specific areas that somehow distort your
natural body shape. It is also important
that you have healthy, elastic skin with a
capacity to shrink evenly after surgery.
Since liposuction is designed to remove
only fat, it cannot eliminate skin laxity
or dimpling of the skin. If your skin has
lost much of its elasticity, your plastic
surgeon may recommend a skin tightening procedure such as abdominoplasty,
thigh lift, buttock lift or arm lift. These
procedures are very effective, but leave
more scars than liposuction alone.

Over the past decade, liposuction has
seen a variety of improvements and
refinements. The new techniques today
include ultrasound assisted liposuction
(UAL), the tumescent technique, power
assisted liposuction (PAL) and combinations
of the preceding. All of these procedures
deliver a much more precise
result and sometimes a quicker recovery.
Liposuction can be performed under
local anesthesia, general anesthesia or
intravenous sedation.

After surgery, you may have to wear a
pressure garment for several weeks to
promote skin shrinkage and to minimize
swelling. Expect some swelling and
bruising, which will subside in most
patients in two to three weeks. Some
swelling may remain for several months
but this is rare. Sometimes, unevenness
of the skin, or a rippling effect, may be
noticed. In general, you will not see your
final result for approximately three
months. Eating a healthy diet and making
sure you get regular exercise can
help you maintain your new shape.
Although liposuction can never be a
substitute for exercise and dieting, it
can remove the stubborn areas of fat
that refuse to respond to traditional
exercise and diets.