Is Abdominoplasty Right for You?

Home » Doctor Article » Is Abdominoplasty Right for You?

From Raymond Dunn, MD

Welcome to our first issue of Reflections, our electronic newsletter that we hope you will find interesting and informative! With the growing popularity of cosmetic surgery and recent innovations in both surgical and nonsurgical techniques, looking and feeling your best is now safer and easier than ever.

Each issue of Reflections will offer objective information and insights on the latest cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures, and may offer patient success stories, an ‘Ask the Doctor’ column, special promotions and online consultation scheduling.

Breast enhancement, body contouring liposuction, facial contouring and tummy tucks are among today’s most popular procedures performed at UMass Memorial. You will find information about these topics.

As we launch our new e-newsletter, we encourage your feedback and suggestions on how we can best meet your needs. Our goal is to provide you with accurate and timely information you can use … and a format that is easily accessible and understandable.

At UMass Memorial, we are committed to providing you with the knowledge and guidance you need to make informed decisions about cosmetic surgery procedures. Our talented and experienced physician staff are members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, assuring you of the highest standards in quality and safe practice.

Please enjoy our first issue.

Raymond Dunn, MD
Chief, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
UMass Memorial Medical Center

Is abdominoplasty right for you?

Abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck,” is a major surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen, and may also include tightening of the abdominal muscles. The procedure can dramatically reduce a protruding abdomen, but it does leave a permanent scar in the lower abdominal area.

Many abdominoplasties are performed successfully each year by board-certified plastic surgeons trained in body contouring, and the results are long lasting when followed by a healthy lifestyle.

The best candidates for abdominoplasty are men and women who are in reasonably good shape but have excess abdominal skin or localized fat in the abdomen that will not respond to diet and exercise. A tummy tuck is particularly helpful for women who have had multiple pregnancies, and stretched their abdominal skin and muscles beyond the point where they can return to normal.

Patients who intend to lose a lot of weight should postpone the procedure until they are at a stable, comfortable weight. Also, women who are planning future pregnancies would be best advised to wait until their child-bearing is completed.

During the initial consultation, the surgeon reviews medical history, assesses the status of abdominal skin and abdominal muscles, and discusses the types of procedures available (liposuction vs. tummy tuck), the recuperation period as well as the risks and benefits.

A tummy tuck can enhance appearance and also improve “function” of the abdominal muscles and may add to self confidence. As with any procedure, review your expectations with your surgeon.

The wrinkle eraser — croton oil peel

The croton oil peel is the true fountain of youth when it comes to skin rejuvenation. Every patient I have treated for the last five years looks at least 15 years younger. Many patients say that their friends think they had a facelift or just look better and healthier and happier, but cannot pinpoint why.