Symmastia Correction

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Revisionary surgery is a difficult process to go through. One of the more common problems that patients are seeking Dr. Pousti’s help for is symmastia. Symmastia – commonly referred to as breadloafing or uni-boob, occurs when two implants touch one another in the center of the chest. If the horizontal muscle that is connected to the sternum and goes across the implant is cut during surgery, then the implant can move toward the middle of the chest. Symmastia results from overly aggressive attempts to alter the chest wall anatomy trying to increase cleavage in patients. This outcome is made worse by use of larger implants in thin patients, and is a problem for implants over or under the muscle, though submuscular implant placement allows the muscle to provide some softening of the transition to the cleavage area from the augmented breast mound.

Since Dr. Pousti has experience with symmastia repair, many women from around the country choose to fly to our area to obtain his services.

The Surgical Procedure

For correction of symmastia, the procedure can take from 2-3 hours depending on how much work is involved. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Pousti takes his time in the operating room to make sure that he does what he can to achieve the best result for the patient. The repair of symmastia requires additional surgery to move the implant back into the pocket of original placement. All sutures are internal – there are no new scars placed on the breasts.

An incision is made (usually along the breast crease) to expose the underlying tissue, muscle, and implant.
The tissue that encapsulates the implant is cut and rolled back to fit into the pocket.
Tissue is sutured together to hold implant in place.
The muscle is then sutured internally back in place, connecting the sternum.
The incision is then sutured close.

During your consultation at our office and after a thorough examination, Dr. Pousti will discuss every detail of your breast augmentation, including the exact size and type of breast implants he will use and their relative advantages. This procedure to correct symmastia is performed on an outpatient basis at our surgical center under general anesthesia.

What To Expect After Surgery

Bed rest, along with plenty of fluids, is necessary after surgery. Your chest will be sore. Pousti will prescribe appropriate pain management medications. Take your medication regularly and keep your office visits. Usually after a week, you will begin to feel back to normal.

A brassiere and bandeau will be fitted for you during your first week of recovery. These will need to be worn for a month. You will not be able to shower until your sutures are removed. Initially, breast implants will appear to be slightly higher than normal and your breasts will be swollen. Over time, the breast implants will descend to a more natural position.

The bra that is worn after symmastia repair is referred to as the “thong bra”. It is used to stabilize the area after symmastia reconstruction. This will allow the sutured area between the breasts to heal properly without excessive pressure being applied to the area.

Resumption Of Physical Activities

Driving may be resumed in 1-2 weeks.
Non-contact sports