Breast Augmentation

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Breast Augmentation, Breast Enlargement
Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement, at our practice is a surgical procedure used to increase the size of a woman’s breasts using breast implants. Women may choose to have breast augmentation either to enhance their figure, as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery, to balance different sized breasts, or to balance the contours of the body. Whatever the specific purpose, women who undergo breast augmentation can expect larger, firmer, and more visually satisfying breasts.

The Breast Augmentation Surgery
The breast enlargement surgery at our practice begins with an incision, made either in the crease of the breast, the armpit, or the perimeter of the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). The placement of the incision will vary according to body type and the specifics of each procedure. A pocket is created either underneath the breast tissue or underneath the chest wall muscle. The breast implants are then placed in this pocket.

After Breast Augmentation Surgery
Once the incisions have been closed and taped, a surgical bra is applied. After breast augmentation, postoperative fatigue, soreness, and discomfort may be greatly reduced through medication. Swelling gradually subsides and becomes undetectable in a few months’ time. Stitches are buried and will dissolve on their own.