Shaping Up After Weight Loss

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You’ve successfully lost 100
pounds or more. What’s the next
step to sleeking your physique?

A significant weight loss, whether from
bariatric surgery or successful diet and exercise, can make a person
feel invigorated and healthy. However, it could leave a portion of
excess skin that can become bothersome, hindering some levels of
activity and comfort. To help people who accomplish successful weight
loss of 100 pounds or more, our Regional Medical Center offers a
special service known as body contouring.

Body contouring procedures range from a basic tummy tuck to a tummy
tuck with a lower body lift, arm reduction, breast lift and breast
augmentation. Occasionally the neck and face are lifted as well.

“A lower body lift is a relatively new concept that’s been catching on
throughout the country. It’s designed to lift the thighs and buttocks
as a unit at the same time as a tummy tuck,” says Bruce Mast, MD,
plastic surgeon with Accent Physician Specialists with privileges at
NFRMC. “With these procedures, we can get rid of excess skin to reveal
the patient’s leaner body.”

Depending on the procedures selected, body contouring is done in two
separate surgeries. Patients are typically fully recovered and back to
normal activities within two to four months.

“They haved worked closely with me to make this service as affordable
as possible, as insurance usually doesn’t cover it,” adds Dr. Mast.
“For most patients, body contouring is a life-altering event.”


Jillian Tomlinson, a
21-year-old, underwent
gastric bypass
nearly two years ago. While she was pleased with her weight loss, the
process was still not complete.

Her surgeon referred her to
Bruce Mast, MD, plastic surgeon with Accent
Physician Specialists with privileges at the Regional Medical Center,
for body contouring surgery. After having a lower body lift, Jillian’s
weight loss totaled 185 pounds and she feels better than ever.

“Now I can see the results of exercising,” she says. `Before I could
only feel a difference in my muscles, but now I can see the difference.
I feel so much better.”