SlimLipo - Laser-Assisted Liposuction

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Los Angeles SlimLipo, or laser-assisted liposuction, offers a revolutionary new technology in which a carefully calibrated laser is used to liquefy or “melt” unwanted fat. There are numerous advantages with laser-assisted liposuction over traditional liposuction including significantly less downtime, less bruising and swelling. Most patients report significantly less swelling and bruising compared to traditional liposuction, allowing them to return to work or other activities almost immediately.

Dr. Hoefflin also uses the skin-tightening benefits of SlimLipo in patients with loose or sagging skin. Furthermore, previous liposuction patients with skin irregularities may be good candidates for SlimLipos ability to selective “melt” fat in these fibrous and difficult areas. In these patients, a more smooth contour and natural appearance can be achieved.

Dr. Hoefflin commonly performs office-based SlimLipo on the abdomen, waist, love handles, hips, saddle bags, (outer thighs), inner thighs, knees, and neck (underneath the chin) and infrequently, the ankles. The result is a natural and artistically contoured or “sculpted” body appearance, which can greatly improve your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Highly regarded for his surgical artistry and attention to detail, Dr. Hoefflin specializes in all aspects of body contouring procedures, including liposuction, tummy tucks, arm lifts, breast augmentation, breast lifts, Mommy Makeovers, body lifts and plastic surgery after weight loss.


Dr. Hoefflin performs his Los Angeles and Beverly Hills SlimLipo liposuction as an outpatient under local anesthesia with monitored sedation, as administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. All operations are performed in fully credentialed and state-of-the-art surgical facilities.

In selected patients, the procedure can be directly performed within his professional offices, obviating the need for the operating room. The procedure usually takes about one to three hours, depending upon the desired level of body sculpting.

The procedure is performed through inconspicuous 1/4″ incisions that become nearly, if not completely, invisible in time. Prior to liposuction, a local anesthesia solution provides patients with minimal postoperative bruising and swelling. Following treatment with the SlimLipo laser, unwanted fat is gently removed using small liposuction cannulas. Small and meticulously placed sutures are used to close all incisions.


Patients are directly discharged home with compression garments (or tape) covering the treated areas. These garments are encouraged for the first few weeks after your procedure to reduce swelling and promote comfort. Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Most patients tell us they feel much better than expected following their surgery and are able to return to work and social activities within several days following surgery. Light exercise can be resumed after several weeks and an unrestricted return to all activities within six weeks.

A self-massaging protocol or Endermologie® by LPG is begun several days after your procedure to help diminish any swelling, assist in healing and speeding your recovery.


When performed by a properly qualified plastic surgeon, the risk of serious problems after the SlimLipo procedure are rare. Most complications are minor, temporary, and can be easily resolved with conservative treatment and time. Specific risks and the suitability of the Beverly Hills SlimLipo procedure for a given individual can be determined at the time of consultation. You can reduce your risk of complications by closely following your surgeon’s instructions both before and after surgery.

To learn if you are a candidate for SlimLipo or body sculpting in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills, contact Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Hoefflin for a complimentary consultation.