Denver Doctor Offers New Laser Technique for Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

Home » Doctor Article » Denver Doctor Offers New Laser Technique for Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

DENVER, CO – We all know that it takes a good diet and exercise to keep us looking our best, but sometimes even that isn’t enough. Weight loss, aging and pregnancy can leave our skin looking loose and unattractive.

Now it’s possible to correct uneven, wrinkled or sagging skin in under an hour without surgery, injections or downtime using a new collagen ablative process called SkinTyte™ perfected by Sciton, Inc., a California-based pioneer in medical lasers for aesthetic and cosmetic treatments. SkinTyte is preferred by both doctors and patients to treat areas such as the neck, thighs, arms, tummy and buttocks due to its increased comfort, greater speed and lower operating costs compared to similar treatments. The SkinTyte process stimulates the body’s natural processes to renew the skin’s collagen foundation, resulting in tighter, healthier-looking skin.

Treatments take only about 45 minutes and are done in the doctor’s office. According to Dr. Ben Lee, an Englewood, Colorado plastic and facial surgeon who uses the SkinTyte system, “Most patients see and feel an immediate smoothing, firming and tightening of the skin. And unlike other treatments, most patients need no anesthetic and experience only slight swelling, if any, for a day or so. Most people can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment with no need for follow-up care.”

Over time, SkinTyte treatments cause the body’s natural processes to build and renew collagen, further smoothing the skin and renewing its natural contours. The collagen renewal process continues for about six months, but the effects can last for years. “Noticeable effects occur with a single procedure, but many of my patients are so pleased with it that they have more to further treat the same area and improve others, too,” Dr. Lee commented.

A single SkinTyte treatment for the lower face and neck costs only about $400 compared to $1,500 or more for similar procedures with older, more painful, systems.

“We’re always happy to discuss SkinTyte collagen renewal or other cosmetic services such as hair and tattoo removal, cosmetic implants, permanent makeup and Botox and filler injections with anyone who’s interested,” Dr. Lee adds. “We even have an expert at the clinic to work with patients on financing their treatments in the best way for them.”