Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center Medical: Non-Surgical Procedures That Provide Visible Results

Home » Doctor Article » Sarasota Plastic Surgery Center Medical: Non-Surgical Procedures That Provide Visible Results

The aging face has lost volume and gained
lines. It is no longer smooth and even
colored. Pores enlarge. We know the signs
because we see them each time we look in
the mirror. Because our aging population
is healthy and vital longer than previous
generations, we want to look healthy and
vital longer; but we might not be ready for
surgery…just yet.

The renowned plastic surgeons,
Braun Graham, M.D.,
James Schmidt, M.D and David
Mobley, M.D. have created a
medical spa to fit the needs of
that group: Sarasota Plastic
Surgery Center Medical Spa.

Unlike other spas, which are
frequently unmonitored with
untrained staff, these surgeons
are actively involved in training
and supervising medical spa
staff. The spa’s close proximity
to their own offices was a major
factor in opening it since it
allows them to ensure that their
high standards of care are maintained
there. These are plastic
surgeons, not family practitioners, dentists,
dermatologists or gynecologists. Their education
and life’s work has been geared to the
esthetics of the aging face and body.

The spa staff was carefully selected based
upon experience and patient care. They consistently
keep abreast of the latest techniques,
technologies and training in non-surgical
methods of esthetic treatments.

One of those advancing techniques is the
Fraxel Laser; a resurfacing laser that can give
back some of the youthfulness in your skin.
It tightens pores, reduces acne scars and fine
lines, and evens the texture and color of your
skin. It does this with minimal down time!

Fillers, such as Restylane, and Juvéderm
replace lost volume in thinning lips and
helps redefine them. They fill the deepening
folds and lines from your nose to your mouth,
including the downward turn at the corners
of your mouth.

Botox can help reduce fine lines but also
prevents new ones from appearing.
For many, the eyebrows fade and the
eyes become smaller. Permanent Makeup for
eyebrows, eyeliner and lips can give your face
definition and emphasize your best features.

Microdermabrasion, medical quality cosmeceuticals
and other skin treatments can
maintain and improve your skin.

Most importantly, gifted providers with
years of experience, specializing in their
fields, will be able to guide you in the direction
that’s right
for you. This is
where a consultation
comes in to
play. Knowledge
is your power to
make the right
decision to get
the result you
want, and it is the
information that
we provide to
help you make
informed and
choices about
your skin care.

The setting is
serene and elegant
but these
treatments are
medical in nature.
They are highly effective but not always
warm and fuzzy. Saying “OM” and listening
to soothing music may have their role in life,
but they won’t turn back the clock. That
requires a little more effort. Remember, it’s
not always comfortable to exercise and eat

But it’s worth it. So are proven results.
Come in for a consultation today.