Content provided by Cleveland Clinic.

Have you been obese for more than five years?

Many overweight men and women struggle for years to regain a sense of their former self, even while the scale slowly climbs. Being obese for at least five years is one criterion that many surgeons look for prior to recommending treatment for obesity with weight-loss surgery.

Are medical treatments and lifestyle changes ineffective?

While weight-loss surgery is no miracle cure for obesity, it may be an option if the weight you carry is stubbornly stuck to you regardless of how little you are eating and how hard you have tried to follow an exercise regimen.

Is your alcohol, drug and food use controlled?

Ongoing struggles with binge eating and drug or alcohol abuse should be disclosed to your surgeon as part of a consultation prior to weight-loss surgery. Problem patterns or behaviors can be discussed or treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and/or medication prior to surgery, if necessary.

Do you have excellent mental health?

Prior to weight-loss surgery, your mental health must be deemed fit. Your surgeon will also want to make certain that you have an appropriate support network in place to help you manage the dramatic weight loss that often follows weight-loss surgery. While desired, the initial phases of recovery can create rapid psychological and emotional changes that require additional emotional support.

Are you between 18 and 65?

Weight-loss surgery is a possible treatment for obesity if one’s age is between 18 and 65. Surgery for younger people is becoming more popular, however.

Are you a candidate for weight-loss surgery?

Successful weight-loss surgery requires preparation and planning. Your answers to these six questions can help you gauge your readiness for the procedure. Remember; be honest with your surgeon. Seek the support and information you need to make a healthy decision about weight-loss surgery.