Rhinoplasty Costs Explained

Several chief aspects go into determining the costs for your rhinoplasty surgery, namely fees for the surgeon, anesthesia and facilities.

  • Surgeon’s Fees. Surgeon’s fees are often related to the experience of the surgeon and how in-demand he is. The average surgeon’s fees in 2010 amounted to $4,314, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

  • Anesthesia Fees. Anesthesia costs can range for local to general anesthesia, which is more expensive because it involves being in an unconscious state. Anesthesia costs can add between $1,000 and $3,000 to your surgical costs.

    “Because the nose can be a delicate area, local anesthesia is typically restricted to working on the tip of the nose only,” says A. Dean Jabs, MD, Ph.D., FACS, an American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeon practicing with Cosmetic Surgery Associates, P.A., based in Bethesda, Md., and McLean, Va.

  • Facilities Fees. Whether at a hospital or off-site surgery center, facility fees include the costs for the operating rooms, surgical tools and amount of time the surgery takes. Facilities fees can cost between $500 and $2,000. As a general rule, the longer the surgery, the more costly the procedure.

While cost is certainly a consideration into finding the right surgeon for you, take caution if a plastic surgeon is offering a rhinoplasty deal that seems too good to be true. Your plastic surgeon should be able to show you examples of previous work, training hours and possible board certifications and/or fellowships completed. Think about this like a future employer asks for your resume — it is important to ensure your plastic surgeon has the credits and experience to perform your rhinoplasty to the best of her abilities.

“Board certification is a good indicator of a surgeon’s experience,” Dr. Jabs says. “You don’t necessarily have to find a surgeon that solely performs rhinoplasty as a specialization, but you should select a surgeon who does enough of them to feel comfortable doing them.”

Insurance and Rhinoplasty Costs

Rhinoplasty isn’t always a cosmetic choice. Your nose’s shape can affect your breathing, leading to increased risk for illness, such as a flu or cold. Rhinoplasty also can be a reconstructive measure if you have experienced an accident or other trauma that affects your nose’s appearance. If this is the case, rhinoplasty can be a medical procedure and therefore covered either partially or fully by insurance. Always contact your insurance company to review your policy and determine what portion of the surgery, if any, would be covered and the process for filing your insurance claim.

Financing Rhinoplasty Surgery Costs

Because rhinoplasty can cost between $3,000 and $8,000 for a traditional procedure, it’s understandable you may not have that kind of money waiting around to spend. This is why many surgeons offer a financing plan. This may involve making a down payment to cover a percentage of the surgery, and then you will pay a monthly fee for a pre-determined amount of time to cover your costs. Financing plans depend upon the individual surgeon’s policies. Some financial institutions also offer short-term loans for financing these procedure types. Whatever the financing option, ensure you will be able to fully pay for the loan — otherwise, this can affect your credit ratings, and rhinoplasty is not something you can simply return.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is a more involved plastic surgery type because it requires your surgeon to adjust previous surgical results or undergo more extensive appearance changes — a surgery that can be time-consuming and lengthier than traditional rhinoplasty. If you choose a revision rhinoplasty surgery, you can expect the surgical costs to be higher, reaching between $10,000 and $15,000. Since the procedure presents a bigger challenge to your pocketbook, having a good understanding of these costs are important.